In speranta ca toata lumea este bine sanatoasa, cu bucurie va informam ca pe 1 Iunie 2020, HOTEL REXTON, isi reia activitatea. Va asiguram ca am luat toate masurile igienico-sanitare impuse de autoritati, pentru a proteja oaspetii si personalul hotelului, deasemenea mentionam ca nu am avut cazati in carantina pe perioada starii de urgenta. Va multumim si va asteptam cu drag, HOTEL REXTON ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hopefully everyone is well and healthy. We are happy to inform you that on 1st of June, HOTEL REXTON, resumes its activity. We assure you that we have taken all the hygienic-sanitary measures imposed by the authorities, in order to protect the guests and the hotel staff, we also care to say that we didn’t have guests in quarantine during the emergency state. Thank you and hopefully we’ll have you as guests, HOTEL REXTON.